How would you describe the space in which you create?
In a word, INSANE!! Since the birth of our second child, my craft space, which formerly occupied my darling son's bedroom, is now a corner of our master bedroom. I try to keep it confined to my craft table and
What is your favorite thing about your space?
How do you keep your space organized?
Every now and then, before starting a new project, I do a thorough clean-up of my area, even wiping down the craft table, and usually will find one area of my supply wardrobe to organize too, while I'm at it. Somehow the act of organizing things helps turn on the creative juices and gets me ready to go again. I use tons and tons of cheap plastic shoeboxes to store my things in, inside the metal wardrobe. Another plastic chest of drawers holds inks, pens, adhesives, embellishments and other things that I use
Do you have inspiration pieces in your space? If so, what are they? I keep pictures and other finished pieces on a bulletin board near me, but it badly needs to be refreshed! What inspires me most in my space is also a storage item: this kids' hanging organizer for small toys, that I converted to a place to hold many of my favorite treasures for creating: different sizes of dominos and bamboo beads just waiting to be decorated, kits of various ephemera to add to pieces, and all sorts of fun doo-dads, all housed in little see-through pockets so I can get inspired to try new things, just by looking at this thing.
Is there something else you'd like to share about your space? I keep a boombox underneath my craft table. Listening to music while creating is important to me for staying relaxed and inspired. (except when my toddler crawls down there and starts messing with the buttons, cranking up the volume or switching the channel dial on me!!)
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