Monday, December 8, 2008

Featured Seller: paperpearlsboutique

Who are you?
My name is Rachel Freyer of Paper and Pearls Boutique.

Where are you located?
I live in Carrboro with my wonderfully supportive husband and a very fluffy cat named Bianca.

What do you create?
I make handcrafted jewelry, books, and paper crafts.

What is your favorite place to visit in the "triangle"?
I love going to Maple View Farms. My husband and I go there year round. I find so much inspiration in the seasonal change of colors and the pastoral scene. It's hard to create when tired and stressed - this is a great place to go and relax. The fabulous ice cream doesn't hurt! :-) (I recommend chocolate orange.) I also love bookstores and window shopping to get ideas and inspiration.

What inspires you?
I am inspired by everyday things - I'm always paying attention to the colors and textures I see at the Farmer's Market, in movies and magazines, what friends are wearing, nature... I think each day has inspiration of some sort if we are paying attention. It can be a very ordinary thing that becomes a muse for a project. That's why my motto is: Make Everyday Beautiful!I am also inspired by places I've traveled and lived. I spent my college years in New England - the fall there is unbelievably bright and magnificent. New England Fall is the inspiration for my Wenham Collection of jewelry. I lived in Italy for a semester, and have the palette of cypress trees and old stone buildings burned into my imagination. My bookmaking is largely inspired by my time abroad, and the rich leathers and papers I used during my bookmaking class there. I may love pink because of DC's cherry blossoms. Where we spend our lives leave a mark!

Why did you choose your shop name?
I woke up one morning and the first thing that popped into my head was "Paper and Pearls"! I was trying to think of a name that would capture my two favorite types of handmade projects - jewelry and paper crafts. It just seemed to fit! And pearls are not only my birthstone, but a classic stone that be used in so many ways. It says something about my style - simple, classic, colorful.

What is your most popular item that you create?
My Kazuri Bead necklaces have been rather popular. I think people love the fact that the beads are all handcrafted and unique, and that by buying one of those necklaces they are supporting a micro-enterprise that gives women opportunity. My carnelian necklaces have also been hits - I am so inspired my experience with New England autumn. Capturing that gorgeous spectrum in carnelian jewelry was a fun process. I think what it comes down to is that people like to buy beautiful things that have a good story behind them - whether it's how the bead was crafted, or artist's process of creativity.

How do you envision your creations being used by your customers?
We express ourselves not only with words, but in the things we choose to surround us in our day-to-day life. There are certain days where a bright red cheery necklace can really lift one's mood. I think we all are naturally drawn to specific colors and shapes in the tangible objects we buy. It is my hope that customers will find something that is so THEM. I find it so rewarding to have a customer be drawn to one of my creations and have it become part of expressing their unique tastes.

How do you acquire new clients?
From my experience working with small family businesses, it seems like niche markets (including handcrafted goods) become successful primarily through a process of connections in relationships. I started out doing a market research survey of friends and family. I got some very helpful information. From that, I've tried to tailor my creations for what people want. I also have an email list and Facebook group of friends and family, so I regularly post photos and send updates. I am hoping in time that my friends and family will refer their friends and family to me. I am new to Etsy, and look forward to knowing other sellers and buyers through the wonderful connections in teams and groups.

--To learn more, check out the blog! If you're interested in joining her newsletter list, please email!


  1. that jewelery is really nice... i love the orange beads

  2. great interview! Love those pearls!!! and the chocolate orange ice cream sounds awesome!

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. NCTriangle Street Team,

    Thanks so much for featuring me for the Local Sellers! It's an honor to be interviewed along with the other Triangle artisans!

    The Triangle has so much creativity and talent - I am glad to be part of it!

    Thanks again!

    Paper and Pearls

  5. It's really great getting to know the NC artist. Rachel's books are wonderful!
