Where are you located?
Raleigh, NC
What do you create?
What is your favorite place to visit in the Triangle?
I would have to say that my favorite place to visit in the Triangle is the flea market at the state fairgrounds. I love incorporating antique and vintage items into both my work and my home, and a trip to the flea market, usually yields some unique and interesting finds.
I am inspired by texture. Especially worn and corroded surfaces such as, rusted metal, peeling paint and crumbling bricks. I also find organic forms like, branches, seedpods, and bones very inspirational.
Where do you create?
I currently work out of my home, I have a work bench set up in my kitchen where I do most of my work, and a station set up on the back porch for sifting enamel and forming metal.
I have found that the key to Etsy is staying visible. I try to list or renew items at least 5 times a day to stay towards the top of the search results. This is particularly important in heavily saturated categories like jewelry. Photography is also very important, and I am constantly working on improving my product photographs. Eye catching pictures are more likely to bring traffic to your store and more likely to be featured in treasuries, chosen for Storque articles, and increase your likelihood of being featured on blogs. All of which increase traffic to your store.
Do you have any advice to share on how you have made your business grow?
Create a recognizable brand. I have spent a lot of time trying to develop a distinctive and recognizable product line. I’ve also been working to create cohesive marketing and packaging materials.
--If you'd like to see more of Sonya's work, you can also vist her personal web-site.
Those are some really neat rings. Love your design!