Tuesday, November 18, 2008

"My NCTriangle Christmas Gifts" by Lynnscrafts

Since joining the NCTriangle team I had wanted to put together some hand made Christmas
sets from the team. I am on my way and thought I would share it with you.
First I needed something to hold the items and I found Carolinaweaver when I saw her article on the blog. I purchased some hand made baskets from her, 8 in total.
Now to fill them I purchased from
karenssoaps some of her wonderful foaming hand soap.
The picture shows "A Day at the Beach" and it is a wonderful scent. I also purchased the same
scent in her sample bar of soap and an cherry vanilla lip balm.
Some wonderful bulb ornaments came next from
DinnerTimeChimes, this goes well with
the basket.
For my daughter who knits I purchased some stitch markers from
Worldofmyowndesigns -aka-
On the way is some hand lotion from
Baskets are getting full but I am always looking for more small items to fill them, have a lot
to fill. So don’t be surprised if you see me sneaking around all your shops.
Thanks for letting me share,

--If you'd like to share your NCTriangle shopping fun, craft show experiences or other handmade goodness contact us... we'd love for you to share!


  1. Terrific ideas, Lynn! Thanks for sharing!

  2. Lynn is a fantastic team member! Love the gift basket!

  3. what a great idea. I still have a few things to get for Pink Christmas. Some of you mays ee me poking through your shops.

  4. It's been fun trying to fill the baskets.
